Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thicker Bark...




It's Saturday and it's been rainy pretty steady as of lately. I enjoy the quietness that isn't full of noise and chatter because it allows me to think. After completing numerous sketches in less than 1 hour i realized that certain things just must happen in life. I read a comment from a friend that said " don't waste time crying over spilled milk just get another glass." The puzzling thing is that we all have our versions of spilled milk. Some people are upset because they have mounds of bills to pay, their cars break down,they hate their job, and there are countless other reasons. The surprising thing is that we must go through these situations. They have to happen, not that we want them to happen because i don't wish pain/struggle on anyone. I'm not 100% if these situations make people more equipped for the future but we've been through them. Sometimes alone and other times with help but there all part of lives obstacles. It's all part of the master plan. The best quote which sums up everything is "thicker barker." If we were trees and we didn't have life experiences how could we claim to have thicker barker [or skin]?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God for the highs in life, but praise God for the lows. I tell the girls I minister to this all the time. It is something very difficult to realize, but think about it...Lows in life bring you closer to the suffering Christ did for us. With that said, we will never achieve the suffering He went through for our lowly selves. In anytime of suffering, you must keep your chin up and your eyes focused on The Man above!