Sunday, February 15, 2009

So what did you do on V-Day..

actually i got this thought from my friend Sarah. A quick recap of my day.

8:00 am, woke up.. couldn't sleep, Darn the insomnia!

8:30 am, got a call from work, not to come into 12 instead of 10 due to them not wanting to pay me overtime

8:45 am, texted a friend happy Valentine's Day, never got a reply :-(

10:30 am, finally woke up for work after laying back down

11:30 am, finished buying clothes i don't need at Greenbrier's store.

12:07 pm , i'm at work, plenty of cashiering, followed 2 shoplifters out of our store, help numerous customers, hate wearing my name tag, felt extremely silly wearing red & white

7:15 pm, meet Sarah (my best female friend) for coffee at Barnes & Noble in which time we shared stories about our unfulfilled love lives.

9:15 pm, got home to watch what was left of NBA All star Saturday Night as well as finish 3 pieces of artwork.

11:34 pm watched one of my many dvds on my "must watch" dvd stack.

The funny thing is that i actually had one of the Starbucks girls gave me a compliment that was the bright spot of my day. She said she was impressed by how happy i always was every time she came into our store. So impressed that i made her want to become a better person when it comes to customer service. She must not know me to


Row. said...

hhhahaha. I love this! I love that our topic of discussion was "unfulfilled love". I'd spin it more towards the "support and confirmation group" :-D

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...yeah, that Starbucks girl doesn't know you that well...but it is the truth that even when bad customers come into the store, you greet the customer in front of you with that "I'm so fake happy right now its ridiculous" voice even if you are upset :) Also, I fell asleep watching the ALL Star game...I had a long Valentine's day loving my Valentine, JESUS.