Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Usain Bolt (pic & sketch)

I was like millions of other American glued to the tv set watching the Olympics amazed by the athletes and how important it is always perform at your best. Regardless of who is better on paper or even other events it's a good chance that it only takes 1 mistake all your work is done for nothing.
It goes without saying one of the more interesting stories that didn't involve the U.S team was Usain Bolt. The speed as which he ran hasn't been seen in some time but also his ego hadn't as well. His actions after winning promoting the debate is there such a thing as to much celebrating in a competitive sport. I'm not one to judge if he went overboard but one thing i can tell you is that i don't' know if i would've acted any differently if i had won.

this sketch is created with all the colors of the Jamaican flag with a small hint of brown. I choice to do a caricature style to display how big of an ego he has.

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