Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sketch Challenge 4 : Part III


sketch challenge 4; Part II

Sketch Challenge 4: part I

 This challenge is important to me. This challenge marks the countdown to my birthday. i set out to draw 30 African American females in 30 days. I take drawing very serious and at times i had to slow myself down not to rush through this challenge.  I  chose the topic of African American females as part of an empowerment piece. I draw females regardless of race or color but rarely have i explored the women with natural hair. It's not secret that i love women with natural hair. I think it's something about the curl and texture of it.

missing figure study sketches from October 2013

Somewhere along the way i forgot to post some of my figure studies from the Norfolk Drawing Group from last month. I can't believe we actually had back to back male models that never happens but hey i draw whoever comes out whether it's male or female.