Friday, October 30, 2009

Knowledge of a Redbelt Master

Sometimes you find things at the moment exactly when you need it. I've been on vacation for a while and hopefully these quotes that i've learned will help me out when i go back to work. But not just that but life as well:

There's always an escape

A man distracted is a man defeated

There is no situation you could not escape from. You know the escape

Copetition is weakening

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Norfolk Drawing Group #58

I know i sound like a broken record but i hate missing the group. I feel that i'm always out of sync every time i go along to draw. It's my own fault most of the time after being to tired after work to hang out and simply socialize. I slowly drifted out of my funk into my normal self.

cherie: blowing bubbles

Yet another friend of a friend photo that i borrowed. i had planned a more extrangant drawing but for now this simple color pencil sketch will do. I can always come back to it later.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

She could still feel his touch (pic & sketch)

There's always seems to be a story that connects my pieces together. This story starts of by our lovely connection/networking media myspace. My friend, Cara like i can believe almost every other female out there received a friend request from a complete stranger. Sharing the typical i think we should be friends and i could use you as a model word vomit at sounds sincere if you're 12. The only positive thing that came out of this situation is that i was able to raid of some of modeling photos. He's not an attractive guy which would probably explain why in the final artwork pieces they phased him out. However he is muscular and for most women that are attracted to physics he will fill their fantasies.

This is my very rough attempt out telling my own story with those photo. Sometimes in love and relationships it's more about the feeling of love. You like someone not because of the way their hair is cut or the car they drive but because they are themselves. it may seem no matter of weight gaining or horrible stories about the past will change that because physic change but the thought of love doesn't. So when all is said and done and those type of feelings are still there and the person you love isn't then you have a void [ this void].

madlib (revisited)

Something just didn't sit right with me the last time i did a sketch of him. I strive for perfection of something extremely close to it therefor i did it again.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Scales of life

I know it's been a while since i wrote a meaning blog. Let along write anything of great importance here. Somehow i feel like sharing my experience. Last week i had lunch with a friend of mine and it's amazing how sometimes we get so trapped in our own personal hurricane that we forget about others are going through things as well. i won't share to much of my friend's story but he quit his job, he's unable to pay rent, and his daughter is coming to live with him full-time now. All those things hit one after another like domino's in a row. The pessimistic side of me say that's horrible lucky and he should rightfully crawl underneath a rock and stay there. However i don't believe in that side at all. I know it sounds silly and foolish to have such beliefs but everything happens as it should. He quit his job because deep down inside that wasn't where he was suppose to be. Rarely do i say this myself but i believe that hands (Gods/HIS Hands) push us in directions that we all fear because it seems like a risk. I know as sure as my fingers type this he will struggle but struggling is a part of life. Pressure creates diamonds. How else is my friend to know what he can bare if he doesn't go through this situation?

My final thought is of encouragement. I encourage anyone who thinks they are having a bad day to weight their problems against others. Perhaps that horrible day, month, year that you've been having isn't that bad at all?

Interesting Facebook tidbit to think about via Mr. Sibbaluca

Kris Sibbaluca relationship question of the day: if you treated your relationship like a marriage how soon would you be getting a divorce ? Think about it, people break up all the time, so if your not in it for the long haul what's the point. ( revised )
October 20 at 5:27pm · Comment ·

Friday, October 16, 2009