Tuesday, October 27, 2009

She could still feel his touch (pic & sketch)

There's always seems to be a story that connects my pieces together. This story starts of by our lovely connection/networking media myspace. My friend, Cara like i can believe almost every other female out there received a friend request from a complete stranger. Sharing the typical i think we should be friends and i could use you as a model word vomit at sounds sincere if you're 12. The only positive thing that came out of this situation is that i was able to raid of some of modeling photos. He's not an attractive guy which would probably explain why in the final artwork pieces they phased him out. However he is muscular and for most women that are attracted to physics he will fill their fantasies.

This is my very rough attempt out telling my own story with those photo. Sometimes in love and relationships it's more about the feeling of love. You like someone not because of the way their hair is cut or the car they drive but because they are themselves. it may seem no matter of weight gaining or horrible stories about the past will change that because physic change but the thought of love doesn't. So when all is said and done and those type of feelings are still there and the person you love isn't then you have a void [ this void].

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