Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Mike: The King of Randomness (pic & sketch)"

Hail, Hail, the King of Random, Mike!! I've let him know that's he's random but he understands that. I'm re-reading a book that states some people jog their memory by rants and i believe this is the best explain of it. There's no structure or planing just verbal diarrhea.

In tribute to Mike i thought this should be a random blog.
I'm recently adding some friends that i use to went to high school with on facebook only to find out that they've changed. Most of them have either gained weight, had kids, gotten married, divorced or all of the above. I'm in no position to judge because i'm almost 100% bald now plus about 20 to 25 pounds heavier than my thin frame in high school. Speaking of Facebook, i'm beginning to hate the fact that i see other's adventurous updates because it makes me feel unproductive. I am in a small rut at the moment and i need to go somewhere new. Any place will be fine even if for a couple of days, months, or years. I remind myself daily Virginia is not my home!! My artwork is all over the place literally. I have yet to complete a drawing in some time but i have plenty of sketches laying around. Most of them are in half or almost finished stages but none are done. I watched Usual Suspects today and remembered how good a movie it is as well as American Psycho two nights ago. My new excuse no matter where i am is "i have some videotapes to return!" I realized today after marking off paid days in my 2009 planner that i'm not paid often enough. It's bad enough i don't use the planner but bills come for frequently than paychecks. I need a second job! My favorite quote that i borrowed from an very off-beat movie is "The key to have a good job is to find something you love because you'll never have to work the rest of your life." In the movie an engaged couple broke up because she did something sexual with a dog (won't go into great detail because you can use your imagination), both of which is sad and funny at the same time. Spoke with a girl i had a crush on this past week to realize that the flicker of interest that i saw in her eye she has for everyone. She often falls victim to the "foot in mouth disease". Lies are to hard to keep up with so i'll prefer to tell the truth when possible. I hate lairs and thieves. It's a shame that i can point out who is most likely to steal when they walk into Old Navy. It's like a horrible game show that i live thanks to my karma. I confronted someone yesterday and let them know that i noticed them. I was overbearing to the point where i wanted them to leave (so they left). I'm a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them.

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