Saturday, September 19, 2009

madlib (pics & sketches)

It goes without saying that i listen to alot of music. Most of the music that i listen to is instrumental drive because it allows me to think freely and draw. I can always focus on certain words or actions and feel better about myself or what's going on around me. I discovered the artist Madlib on a whim of sorts and over the years i've been collecting more and more of his music. I feel that his beat driven music allows me to tap into the side that sees the world differently. My gift as an artist allows me to view the world in a light that only a few get a chance to give a glimpse to. I believe that we all have this driving force within us that grows hungrier each and every day. But if it's isn't ignored it grows dim. So i guess mine is to draw and his would be to create music.

I challenge everyone to do something creative today if not just to free your mind.

honor and respect

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