Saturday, September 5, 2009

"Love never means having to say you're sorry"

that is an interesting phrase that picked up from the movie Love Story. Never watched it nor have i heard of it but thanks to a good friend of mine i got it in the mail. As most little kids do i when they get something new i tore it open and watched it that same even. It was early in the morning and i had off the next day so why not. From a guy's point of view i actually got the movie just like i did the notebook. I saw the same thing that others saw, rich or poor love is worth it. It also made me think about my past love with certain names i dare not mention. Back then i thought it was worth going through hell and high water for and even now i still think it's worth it. I still see the main theory now as i'm sitting in front of my computer on a Saturday evening possibly getting ready to do something artistic like draw but certainly not going out.

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