Saturday, April 26, 2008

"I'm Going Down" (pic & sketch) and "This is What Depression Feels Like"

this is an drawing i did abut 2 years ago

The picture from "I'm Going Down" is actually of Maria. She is an interesting poet that i had the pleasure of having lunch with this week. Maria is also a talented artist. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the why in which she writes her poetry. It takes a lot for anyone to put their ideas and thoughts on display for the world to see. I felt the picture she took had plenty of personality. It shows the vulnerability that most people feel in life. Everything can't always be all sunshine and rainbows.

This weeks has been an interesting one to say the least. This seemed to be a large week with plenty crammed into a small space of time. Thurs night after a long day of work i went to go see comedian Steve Byrne at the Va Beach Funny Bone. It's been a couple of years since I've been there but it was all well worth it. Not only was he funny but his opening act was as well. The main reason I'm blogging this is because my friend Mike and I were pulled on stage to be part of the performance. If you can imagine 1 million and 1 ideas run through your mind when you're on stage. None of them as good as the one generally run through your head after everything has happened. For the record i was on stage with Steve Byrne (even though i wasn't that funny).

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