Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lacuna's Dream (Old Photogrpahs)

A photograph is worth 1 thousand words i've often heard. This photograph has a story about my past. The explanation to this piece hopefully will be deep. As i know many people are wondering the girl in the picture's name is Eva. She's from Austria and at one point in our lives we were really good friend.

I'm a movie buff and i watch a lot of movies and a few months ago i brought Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. For those of who you haven't seen the movie i won't ruin the plot but it posed a question which i applied to my drawing. "If you could erase the hurt and pain in your life, would you?" Seriously think about all the bad things that happen, no matter how small or great and if you could make them vanish would you? I'm not going to say Eva is a bad person because she isn't. In all truthfulness i allow her more than i could ever put into words.

That's only part of the methodology behind this piece. The erase is one of the standard erases from elementary school than i used as a model. On the erase is written " Dr. M's Lacuna" which is taken from the movie. Lacuna was the name of the device created by Dr. Miezrwiak that would erase the past. The eraser seems to rub away at the picture in which it encircles. The picture was actually taken from a trip to Florida at the height of our relationship. My stronger hand being the left holds attempting to hold onto the past (the photo). The ring is one that i purchased some years ago to symbolize as a reminder that i would never allow another girl to break my heart again. The wood grain backing is part of my easel in my studio in which i work.
I only have 1 last question to ask you, "Look into my eyes and tell me what you see?"

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