Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Sunday Post: Art Exchange

as always if you have time show her some love. - lertsis - 22 - Female -

I think it's interesting to see find out what other people think of you when they see your work. Or what imagines they've created in their mind of who you really are. I'm amazed by my friend Letrsis's art work. I think her work is not only very emotional, but fun, and free spirited. The images and colors take a mind all of their own. The medium that she uses whether it's crayon, pattern or cotton have flow throughout her piece. So i thought it would be interesting to see what i would look like as one of her characters. For some artist that could be a very challenging request, but before i knew it i had my very own Letrsis Tommy drawing.
After seeing it i felt inspired. So i sat down and sketched out a couple of designs that i thought would best respresent her as an artist. On the bottom is my attempt using her own traits to draw her.

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