Monday, May 12, 2008

Check Please!! (pic & drawing)

On a rainy moody Monday it's funny how sometime amazing comes out of the darkness. I have been struggling to complete this drawing for some time. It's been a little over 2 week that i've been working on this. drawing. Once i saw this picture i knew exactly what story i wanted to tell with it. A story that has become a continuous part of my dating life. The dreaded bad date! I've had numerous ones from the girl who was 6 months pregnant already, the girl with webbed toes, and the girl who will simply be known as "the cardboard cut-out". I never got a chance to say these words because who know at any moment the date could have turned around but inside i was screaming "Check Please!!"
Background on this photo is that Ashley (one of my co-workers) is part of the picture. She has a very photogenic personality and easily become one with the camera. Ashley and her friend really have an feel for taking pictures. If you have time get a chance to take a look at some of her photos. Flickr: ohazalea

I'm aware i meet a lot of Ashleys!!!

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