Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Hideous Deformed Creature...

of superhuman size and strength. I know i have a habit of watching movies that make me question my own logic of wasted time that i can never get back. Somehow i stumbled upon the Toxic Avenger on the On Demand function on digital cable. The movie is cheesy and very over-the-top in all aspects (nudity, gore,and comedy) but i watched it because it remind me of my childhood. I remember some 20 plus years ago sitting in front of the TV Saturday evenings watching USA Network's "Up All Night" movies. The movies they showed were beyond bad sometimes other time they were down right horrible but faithfully i watched them anyways. i remember hearing buzz that The Toxic Avenger was a cult classic. As a kid anything that was a cult classic and above a PG rating i had to watch it. So i watched it and reminded myself what those over-the-top images did to me. Perhaps they made me the artist i am today? So within 2 days i had watched all 4 Toxic Avenger movies knowing well in advance what i was getting myself into. I even found a small piece of myself within one of the movies plot. Taking small amount toxic ooze on me this time in hopes that perhaps i will have some ideas for artwork.

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