Friday, January 9, 2009

Madonna (Marly) & her Daughter" (pic & sketch)

When i started this blog i promised myself that i would attempt to be as honest as possible. The story about how i first met Marly is an odd one. The entire time i went to NSU i was working as well as going to school. So i have never little or no interaction oustide of my normal school hours. It was one day before my final semester i was in the computer lab as were many student tied together their last projects. I remember zoning out staring into a project that there was no way in hell i know how to create it, but looking up and seeing Marly. I just recall a feeling of being awe struck by how beautiful she was, but still frozen at the same time. The following semester i had a chance to sit and get involved more with my classmates but that moment stands out.

This is my version of a sketch of Marly holding her daughter. Even though it doesn't have any true ties to being a Madonna and Child piece it still embodies the spirit.

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