Saturday, July 26, 2008

"Nude vs. Naked"

I know my mom doesn't understand this theory at all but i enjoy drawing nude models. I don't pin point the reason for anyone at all but it's something that's indescribable about it all. I have to tell this story because the picture is actually involved in it. Not to long ago i ordered a book of nude models for me to practice and study my craft of drawing. I left it downstairs in the kitchen and my mom ran across it as expected she didn't get the theory behind it. "Oh my god" she said as she tossed it on my steps that lead up to my room. Her extremely closed Christian mind didn't understand why her son would draw nude people. I wish i could say it's something sexual and I'm just acting out on my romantic fantasy but that isn't it at all. It's more sensual than it is sexual. There's something semi-private that you're sharing with the world. So often people hide behind almost everything that conceivable but without any clothes where can you hide?
Just to make it clear the difference between 'Nude" and Naked" is that nude is done tastefully (for example playboy or playgirl spreads) while naked is something that is extremely rough.
i almost forgot the name of this piece is "She Found Comfort in His Clothes"

1 comment:

gemini82 said...

You could say that nude is simply being unclothed without embarrassment. Naked on the other had is being unclothed with embarrassment.