Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm a Libra!!!

i know i'm only suppose to be posting new artwork but this digs a little into my personal life. Yesterday was my sister's b-day and funny enough i drew this picture some time ago because it symbolized all things that being young should be. The whole world is laying out in front of you and everything seems to be at your fingertips.
I've had these thoughts rolling around in my head for some time but i never got the chance to actually write out what i was feeling. I know this maybe seen as a ramble but it's a blog. I feel that we all are looking for our equals and we generally drift towards each other until we find one. In the movie Unbreakable Mr. Glass, the villain was looking for his counterpart in the hero played by Bruce Willis. I'm in the same sort of search but somewhat. If anyone was to ask me why i'm single that would be the reason. I haven't found someone that compliments my style. Yes, i've come pretty close over the years but never anyone who matched me 100% for an extended amount of time. Oddly enough my life is centered around being balanced and it just so happens that my astrology sign is scales. I attempt to balance everything within my life no matter how small or big. I guess that's part of the reason why i'm single because i enjoy my freedom. Oh well..

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