Monday, July 20, 2009

Ticky Tacky Little Boxes..

Sad to say i'm hooked on Weeds. The tv show of course, never anything a day in my life. Yes i'm a good little boy for the most part. I have to blame this addiction to a friend invited me to watch each season. I guess i like it because i like Mary-Loise Parker (what can i say i like brunettes). The best part about boxsets and season dvds is that you can have your own personal marathon with a show or series. It's like the best of both worlds without the hassle of watching for the next weeks episode.

While i'm on the topic of addiction i get to take part in my #1 habit tomorrow. Even though my request was denied [not even acknowledged but that's another story all together] for me to have tomorrow off. So after work along with a co-worker i will be driving up to Richmond to watch wrestling. I'm fully aware that i'm a grown man, watching staged drama in the ring on tv as well as live, but i like it. Something i always have and probably always will. I made a private promise that only under certain circumstance would i stop watching it.

I apologize for not having any new art work to show because i have been busy thinking. My friends have motivated me to hopefully get my act together and have a show. I have yet another themed show that possible could work if i actually got on the ball. I haven't even taken a look to see how many pieces could fit it. I know off hand i at least need 20 completed pieces and i feel i have probably about 5 or 6. I'm also flirting with the idea of exhibiting some of my work and that's something i haven't done in a while. I received an invitation to exhibit in Hampton plus an entry form for a juried gallery show in Richmond. Who knows maybe i'll get my act together. I part leaving you with 3 pics of work hopefully to be posted soon.

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