Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Real Reason Why I Draw....

hopefully it's clear and easy for everyone to see what that reason is by now. I do it because there's an itch within my body that simply needs to be scratched. Today i was in Barnes & Nobles which is my normal spot to unwind sitting in the cafe table sketching out of magazines. I was there not because i was attention drive but simply for the reason it felt right. It's a place that  encourages squatter to sit, stay and enjoy the atmosphere. 
To put it simply i don't draw for fame or for recognition. i just want to be know as someone who was simply working out things inside my head and mind in a creative way.  Don't get me wrong if people like my art work or i do gain fame along the way that would be just as well but there was never my reason. 

I was having a similar discussion with one of my fellow drawing mate Bernard this past Tuesday about what are the main things that give me joy. I tried to explain to him this is my joy. I idea of  having a voice that can be seen, felt, and expressed with others is the greatest thing in the world. I spend so much of my day in side job (retail) being restrained from being the person i know i am but this is my way of liberating myself. So when I'm on my break with a pencil or pen in my hand drawing it's mental meditation for me. 

Above is my mini studio, which is actually my dinning room of my apartment. I say that because my day job annual income doesn't really allow me to have second room which was to be my studio. I tacked up pics which would be future art work which slowly one by one will be pulled down. 

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