Saturday, December 13, 2008

Norfolk Drawing Group Sketch Session (revisited)

Everyone has there own definition of what family and friends but the closest thing I've come to that is rubbing elbows with some really talented people every Tues night. It gets my creative juices flowing and inspires me to be more creative as well watching others that are passionate about art. Some are doing this for a hobby other that are doing this as a profession but I'm simply in awe. I often invite my friends to come and draw not because it's therapeutic but for the simple fact that art is one thing that has no wrong and right answer. Any given Tues i have someone creating a massive 5 foot tall sketch on the ground , someone else beside sketching strictly with a pen that looks similar to a pencil drawing, and a human art printer that sketches from left to right as well as top to bottom. I know i talk about about samurais and respect but i'm honored to be there.

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