Saturday, December 13, 2008

" Brittany" (pic & sketch)

This is the quick story of Brittany. I mentioned this before i was part of a traveling store opening group for Old Navy. Before the slow down in the store openings one of the last stores that i opening in Va was the Chesapeake Sq. location. You meet well over a hundred people and some stand out and other done but i recall meeting Brittany. I guess it was her bubbly attitude towards life that peeked my attention. Over the next couple of months either i would come in to shop or work at that location and she would there. So as you can imagine our friendship grew. She was like the girlfriend that i never saw [only if i was younger j/k].

She asked me recently why i didn't draw any pictures of her and i told her because EVERY picture i always see of her is smiling. I don't draw happy people because it seems like a large production and overly posed, but as you can see i drew her that way.

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