Sunday, October 19, 2008

"James and his Throne"

It's no mystery to anyone who knows me that i love wrestling. i have and probably always will as long as i live. I can sell and spin it in some many ways but the truth is I'm an addict. Every time a ppv would come around i would manage to find my way into a Hooters to watch it, eat, and enjoy the lovely ladies that they have working there. Around the time that my best friend from high school, Art had left to go overseas to fight in the war i decided that i would go by myself to indulge in wrestling. I noticed that a guy just like me would be there all the time sitting at the bar watching the event. As with most guys small talk leads to each other saving sits for when one is running late especially if the restaurant is packed. It's good sometimes to talk to someone who is a scholar of the sport. Who has followed it close if not closer than you have. Our friendship has grown even with he moving aways as well. We've seen ppv's together and i even was one of his groom's men. I can truly say I'm enriched for having James as one of my friends and i can only attempt to show him gratitude by drawing him.

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