Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jordan (pic & sketch)

For the record i didn't plan this out for me to post this drawing on Jordan's birthday. However things have a way of working out that way but the real kicker is she's never read this blog. So why not speak freely. Jordan is an interesting one of co-worker at Old Navy. As i've noted before my job both as an artist and as a retail manager trains me to study people's behaviors. This is my short insight on Jordan. I see her as being the all American girl next door that most guys would find interesting. A girl who claims to fear the word "relationship" but secretly wants one. Yet another like most girls claims to never want to fall in love with but would in a heart beat if the right person approached her. So on the inside behind the clouds of cigarette smoke ( she's trying to quit) and hard exterior she's a softy. That was truly makes me laugh sometimes as much as she pretends that no one can see exactly who she is i as well as others can..

1 comment:

Shunsuke said...

(trying to quit)