Saturday, November 15, 2008

Don't Play With Me Cause You Play With Fire....

is one of my favorite songs at the moment. I know it's an oldie but it's The Rolling Stones. More importantly it's the true meaning of how i feel at the moment. I know i should be tired because i just drove to Richmond for my friend's Trey's b-day outing only to drive back the same night. Caffeine pills do wondering for the body in moments like this, especially when you know you have to be at work at less than 4 hours. I won't lie to you this blog is going to be all over the place but hopefully in the end as calmly as it started.

I lost my camera over a week ago so i won't be posting any of my sketches or drawing for some time. I'm a little unhappy about it but this is something that simply had to happen in my eyes, even thought at the moment i don't understand why.

I know to often i rant and rave about relationships and dating,but one of my favorite quotes from a song sums up everything: "Women will never be as important as music (art), and if she thinks she is. then she's only fooling herself" My true love will always be my artwork, and i am single because i'm a lazy dater and no one has yet to make me feel better than anything i have or will create. Until then that's the way i'll remain.
I heard from a friend from my past a little over to weeks ago. I think of her sometimes but the truth is thoughts are mere thoughts nothing more. I strongly leaning towards creating some paintings with her in mind. How positive will they be? I can't honestly say at the moment. I'm not even sure if it will be viewed or expressed as paying respect. Speaking of artwork, i had an idea for a show that i got from a friend. The idea is to build upon what my first show "Illusions of Love" was dealing with. Something a little more darker than i'm use to dealing with. I figure i have to fight through the darkness to get to the light.
I have yet to really talk with anyone in detail about my thoughts on this past election. Well i can say that i'm happy to see that America actually does want to see some change take place. Regardless of whom anyone voted for at least this time around everyone went to the polls and voted. This past election was larger than i can imagine at this moment. Honestly speaking of course i probably would've voted for McCain if he was able to separated himself from Bush's style of running the country, but he couldn't. Almost every interview or speech he have was sending mixed signals. What i am disgusted by is the fact is due to the level of people's stupidity. One thing that completely frustrates me to no end is talking or hearing someone close minded talk. I haven't a lot of comments even read some as well. Zombie like state of mind following what someone else said without the belief that you have a brain and can think for yourself people need to wake up. I read someone i knew post a message saying "Now America have a face to put on a food stamp (speaking of Obama)" while another former college football player stated "Let's call a hunting party and go to the White House!" Above all i'm disappointed because i know i work with and wait on customers would darker feelings on the election.
<my drawing but not my pic.. all credit to to Bernard from Norfolk Drawing Group>

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