Monday, September 9, 2013

sketch challenge 3: part II

The Funny thing about doing this sketch challenge is the responses that i've gotten. Some  people have been asking why am i constantly drawing male nudes? Am i questioning my own sexuality or getting turned on by drawing men? Or the most important what is this or whom is it for?
  1. The truth of the manner is seeing a model nude isn't a turn over for me. Those who truly study the male or female form aren't aroused by simply seeing a nude person. I have a hard time even explaining to my mom why i go to a modeling session. She doesn't see the point of drawing someone nude. 
  2. I drew nude males because i've drawn some many nude females i thought a change would be good. I thought it would be interesting to study the male muscular structure which is something i haven't done recently. 
  3. most importantly this is something i'm doing for my girlfriend. She already had one sketchbook challenge and i dedicated this challenge to her as well. Granted i'll never look like anyone of this guys within the next few months 
One of the cool things that came from this challenge is that one of the models actually contacted me after seeing his sketch. I'm not sure how he found my drawing but i think it's interesting how people can search topics on instagram. Thanks to Frank Jones for being a muse.


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