Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Riley Cooper is Cooking with Paul ( Pic & Sketch)

After hearing about Riley Cooper being caught on video making a racial slur i had to make this one. He was drunk at a country concert and began making comment to a black security guard. Given this situation followed by Paula Dean's comments, it was easy,quick and simple to do. I think situations like this pose a good opportunity for people to talk openly about race. It is a problem i can say that.
I've witness it first hand, i've even seen it done to others. Just to share a small story, I was out at a wrestling event with my friend Shun who was of asian descent. Shun and myself were making our way from out seats to go to the concession stand. On the way we past by a larger guy and my friend said excuse me the guy who had a beer in his hand. The guy took it as an opportunity to make references to the (vietnam) war and call him a couple of things i won't repeat here. I followed behind my friend and the guy said nothing to me but i could tell it bothered Shun. As we were eating we talked briefly about what happened and i commended him for taking the high road. Yes the guy was drunk but starting a fight with a drunk person would prove what? Only that he stooped down to his level and allowed him to win the battle of idiots.
So racism is alive and it may not always be as public as what Riley said or what others have said but it's something that buried deep down inside some people. It also comes out as the time when you least aspect it too.

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