Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Letting Go

This latest post isn't art related at all but life related. I need to take a moment to express my thoughts on my current job. At first i wanted to go off on a rant about some of the sly clever things occur while i'm there. I wanted to go talk about how all the managers at work with the except of me was invited to a fellow manager's St Patrick's Day party for the 2nd year in the row (because it was my weekend to close). I wanted to talk about how my boss passively aggressively spoke to me  about why the store was a mess when she walked into it Monday morning and how that should never happen again. But in all reality that would do no good. I believe that there are messages all around you and you can always chose to listen or not. My message came in the form of a movie i watched late Sun/Mon morning. It would be to easy to fill my heart with hate and lash out on the appropriate people but then what after that. I vented it but did it really accomplish anything at all? For so long i'm prided myself on carry anger and frustration within me. I've allowed it to consume me and it's to hard of a burden to hold. I was angry at my high school art teacher and the school's governor school for taking a look at my artwork and passing me up. i was angry at selection committees at shows for not noticing me. More importantly than anything else superficial i was mad at women in my life that passed me up. My goal going forward is to let go of all the anger and bitterness that i feel about everything.

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