Saturday, September 17, 2011


It goes without saying that i've been a little down. Someone posed one thing that made me question myself. Am i truly living my dream? I'm not sure if i am or not? Perhaps i'm in the place that i am because i'm trying suppose to learn a lesson? That however isn't the point of this post.
I want to talk about my current inspirations that surrounds me. I'm constantly surrounded by people doing creative things and pushing themselves artistically.
This week, i got an invite for my friends and novels' Craig and Michelle Simmons. Together they wrote a ethnic romantic novel that was geared to and spoke specify about the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Their book was released on this week. Together we did a collaboration of their writes and my artwork. I'm very proud of them getting their novel published. The great part about something like that is, that's something no one can ever take from you. It's out there for the world to see and appreciate the great piece of lecture that it is. On a sad note and i'm not just belittling my own artwork. But that wasn't the best cover design. In my eyes the vision that i had and the final results were something totally different. It was so bad i'm gong to gesso over it as soon as i can. Perhaps if very soon i can create a better vision.
Outside of that, some people that i was equally impressed with were some guys i went to high school with. I knew that some of them were heavy into rap music back then. However now they are following their dream. I'm not sure if it will land them mainstream and into the life of the fame, still i found their youtube video inspiring. In their recording studio they boasted about editing music at 8am on a weekday morning. Perhaps they spend all night in the studio recording but i couldn't help but wonder what am i doing with myself. I should be drawing. Very soon perhaps i will have something positive to show everyone.

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