Thursday, September 16, 2010

Natural State

I like this pen drawing because i'm in love with the idea and concept behind it all. My friend sent me this pic as she unwounded in her bathtub. There's nothing overly sexual about this pictures at all however there's something that isn't being said here.
I find it hard to believe that very few women know what the idea of being natural is. I'm referring to the idea of stripping things down to it's basics. The concept of wearing no make-up, avoiding the ideas of fashion over comfort and just being themselves. It's hard to get some women to see that. So when i saw the picture of my friend laying in her bathtub i saw a women who had achieved that. Her hair wasn't all curly, but instead it was wet. Her eyeliner make-up most likely had washed off. Even if just for a moment she was the woman that went to bed and woke up without the thoughts of i can't leave the house without such trivial things.

1 comment:

Wusel's... said...

Very good. I love the facial expression.