Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mural Design Part II

This story that i tell you is an untold story that i haven't publicly told in full until now. My co-workers and not even my manager knew the truth of it all. From the end of Feb through the entire month of March my father was in the Portsmouth Naval Hospital. At first it was a simple minor infection from a surgery that landed him in the ICU.  At the time i juggled working full-time, went to see my dad after work on my days off, and  worked on the mural all at the same time. For 2 week the doctors didn't know what was going wrong with my dad minus the simple fact that whatever disease he had was attacking his major organs. There were times that i wanted to break down and give up but i didn't. I ultimately escaped in my artwork. I'm extremely thankful for is that i had an outlet that allowed me to lose myself. I believe it helped the piece because i didn't focus on the store being down 2 key  managers, customers, co-workers, and my dad was having medical concerns.

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