Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The artist and his ego

The hardest thing to do as an artist is to look at other peoples work. There is always that nagging feeling that you work is better than theirs. The funny thing about art is that everyone has their own take on doing things. For example, i might make a sandwich completely different from the way that you make yours. You might slice of the edges while i toast my bread but in theory we all make a sandwich. The same thing can be said about being a artist, we all make artwork differently. I submitted the large charcoal drawing above to an artist site on tumblr. In my general news feed i would see others artists' drawing, painting, and sketches but not my own. It's frustrating to have that experience to feel that my artwork isn't good as someone else's. The feeling was one that pushed me a little to think more, maybe i didn't submit my best piece or maybe i should practice more. In the end, they did post it, i was happy not to see that it got posted but that others like it or reposted it as well. That meant that i did my job. I actually did a good piece (even if it's 5 years old and rolled up in the garage currently).

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