Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cultural Art Day '10

It's no mystery that i like exhibiting my talents but still i have not been in any major type of shows in some time. I've say that for another blog. But this past Friday i was able to do something that i enjoy doing and that's getting others motivated about art. I brought a modest amount of artwork because i have countless other pieces that i could've shown but didn't. Also normally i would've brought more cartoon related pieced but i didn't do that as well. That can be chalked up to spreading myself to thin over the past could of days after my vacation. My art time was limited but i always have plenty to show.
I spent a better part of today talking to kids about art and getting them to draw there fellow classmates. Every once in a while i saw some light bulbs go off which made this well worth the effort. It's something positive about giving back to that shows me that i still have a greater purpose. It gives me hope that the path that i'm on isn't the end all, be all. I still have my dream!

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