Saturday, January 9, 2010

Learning to Laugh at myself!

I will start of by telling you a good story about this brown shirt. We all need laughs every once and while and this one just so happens to be about this henley thermal.
Occasionally i prefer to wear looser clothing but the current trend in the fashion world is to wear more form fitting clothing. Since i watched I Am Legend and i felt that i too could look like Will Smith in the movie. Therefor i set out to buy more fitted henley to show off my lack of physic.
Granted i am the furthest thing from being built or Will Smith.
As i was at work yesterday one of my co-workers came up to me and asked me did i shop at the Baby Gap. While another customer as i rung her up played 50 questions: What time do you get off? Are you working all weekend? What do you do for fun?
I gave her the cashiers version of speed dating. Opps, time is up! So was the shirt a good choice i don't know?

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