Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I spoke a friend yesterday about his poetry. I tried to explain to him how liberating writing can be. The best thing about poetry is that you don't write for someone else but you write for yourself. Your thoughts and idea may be directed in one direction or another but ultimately it's to unburden your soul. I'm still flirting with the idea of getting my act together and writing more often. Even going to open mic nights to overcome my fear of being in front of crowds and feeling so emotionally naked. I offered the same advice to him but understandable it's an overwhelming experience.
In theory i guess my job offers me with the ability to share with i've learned with others. Some may call me a teacher but i prefer to call myself a student because i'm also learning each and everyday from others. It's been a while since i've wrote something that quickly that seemed to write itself. It seems odd but that's what happened. This poem wrote itself.


Even after all this time my pen has never left the page
but it open doors of locked cages
Can't you hear me calling you
Far away from traffic jams, fear of old age
Thoughts of what's for dinner and endless days barely above minimum wage
Allow me to set the stage
where normal days end.... mines' begin
Pouring out my dreams, thoughts, and ideas... so say when
Prepared to lift your head and remove your hands from your chin
Stop thinking about whether you will break or bend
I'm against sending texts and emails
because there's no way my essence can be shrunk down to scale
Emptiness and loneliness aren't harbored here to dwell
Ships named Disappointment and Sadness have sailed
When i utter your name it's not a comedy or adventure
it's like reaching the Holy Grail
I'm not just here to say hey, that's for farmer's bale
So when you round your love ones up from the bell
Until you left a veil of engagement bells
Even after a coffin receives nails
My thoughts and aspirations won't fail.

Hopefully later on this evening if i'm not to tired i'll explain the meaning behind this poem because could be viewed as cerebral.

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