Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Escapism defined

I mentioned in my last blog that i was going to peel away the layers of the poem and show you it's true meaning. My scribbles will show that i didn't do much to modify this poem at all. I simply wrote what i felt and allowed it to take shape on it's own. I remember Mon feeling mentally unable to focus as i sat in Panera. People all around me were talking about trivial things. Some early 20 year old girls were talking on and on about how their love for their boyfriends would stand the test of going away to college. One of the girls was going to attend the same college as her high school boyfriend. At that moment i thought to myself do all women talk like this and if so i don't think i'm prepared to live in that world. I pushed that thought aside and began to add more lines to this poem. Ultimately as i made the 5 min drive in silence back to my apartment i finished it.

It's been almost 4 or 5 years since i;ve wrote to a co-worker of mine. We use to share idea, thoughts, and notes back and forth between us. It's no mystery that i don't enjoy seeming my friends troubled. Especially if i feel there's a situation that they can escape, but this time around she didn't have that option. Thoughts of how would she pay for school arose, work was straining, and the threads of her family were coming apart before her eyes. There's only so much you can do as friend and i hope during her time i helped her escape. Therefor this poem is a way of letting her know that i think about her from time to time.

In general Escapism.. is a way of getting away. Some people drink, use drugs, go to the movies, write, draw, surf the web or tv, and ultimately do anything to detach from everyday life. In lines 1-5 that what i was referring to. I wrote about not to such being a "knight in shining armor" but a lighthouse in lines 6 -10. Relationships and friendships are all about give and take and what else do you have in to offer when you feel all else is lost. The belief that a true friend would do whatever it takes to take someone happy. In line 11 and 12, i wrote about how i hate texts and email. Honestly i don't really hate them because i use them often. There are times when a letter is a good thing. You can see, touch, and feel each stroke of the pen. I'm a very passionate person therefor i want those around me to feel and match my emotions. I also make hints in lines 15 - 16 to my love of movies by making mention of 2 movies that had plots of Holy Grails. One of those movies was a comedy while the other had an adventure theme(Monty Python & the Holy Grail & Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark). Lines 17 - 21 are all about what the perception of love is. In theory most guys approach women with the idea of only trying to get their numbers, have flings, or having numerous kids. So when i said from the bell is a nice of way of saying from the start that i only wanted to love you. After the romance, wedding bells, and death my thoughts of you won't stop. That's an idea that is lost, because often i hear people think that once relationships, romance is over that feelings are lost. Often they're not, however they might be misplaced.

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