Friday, April 1, 2011

Pencil test..1

As much as i love my friend Mike, he has been killing me over the past couple of weeks/months. 2 months ago, he finally gave me his Christmas gift. Anyone that knows me, knows that i'm extremely humble. I'm not use to taking credit because credit doesn't excite me. The same logic applies to gifts. I'm not one to rush to open any package or gift because i would rather give than receive. So i'm horrible at accepting gifts. Michael brought me a set of artist pencils that literally took me almost 3 months to unwrap. Almost ever text that he's sent me over the time has referred back to the pencils that i never opened. Feeling a little guilty i began to practice again. My ability to make master pieces with pencil have greatly declined but i still wanted to know if i still had "it". Therefor last week i tested myself while out, and it wasn't to bad for a sketch

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