Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's not Bravo, Bravo but Borjo, Borjo!!

Whenever i'm not working i typically find some place to hide away at. My idea place at the moment is Borjo which is right by the campus of ODU. It has the usual coffee shop traffic and people but it seem to be like home for me. I can't sure what exactly my allure is to coffee shops. Which is even weirder is i don't drink coffee! I guess i find it appealing because for the most part scholars go to coffee shops. People are studying, working, surfing the net all while i draw. This is also the common ground for Sarah and myself to meet. We've labeled such outings as friend dates, which is cute and fun. We talk about everything and nothing seems to be off limits.

This past Sunday, Sarah was playing on my ipod touch.. she's very involved at the moment.

1 comment:

Row. said...

I was involved. That thing was hard to work with! and I'm so glad you love borjo too. It's my fave.