Monday, March 12, 2012

The commission: part I

Everyone drawing has a story and this is part one of this story. I won't spoil the ending because what's good story wouldn't be without a good ending.

A friend of mine approached me about doing a piece via text last Tuesday night. i'm always up for a challenge and this would seemed very easy and within my capability of completing. The job seemed simply draw 2 pieces and have them in by Monday. With one small catch, widen some eyes, create a smile on the ladies face, and write a phrase. What actually drove me to do it is that it was a remembrance piece. A young lady had lost her grandmother and a friend wanted to give her a gift of allow her legacy to live on. So as a favor i told him i would do these pieces for him. That's what friends do and not only would i do him this favor but i would also give him a price deduction.

On Friday, my friend and i came to terms and we both agreed to complete to begin working on these pieces. I have attempted to work with my friend on the past and really haven't charged him for any freelance sketches that i've done. I treated it as a challenge to see if i can do it and he's used the imagine. Saturday, i began these drawing and oddly enough i drove to 2 Panera's looking for a place to hide and draw. That seems to be the only place that i can think and concentrate. Within 2 hours i began to lay the framework for my sketch.

this is what i came up with

Later on that same day i began working on some more on the same sketch. I got a text from my friend asking for an update on the status. Along with the input he also had some suggestions/request. I admittedly was on in sketching phase trying to get a concrete defined drawing but i was argued to add detail. Within the hour i got another text asking if any of them would have color? Due to the limited price pencil and charcoal were the idea mediums to use. For the drawing above color pencil doesn't look good over pencil

Due to the color request that i answered i scrapped this drawing :(

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