Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happiness is Playing Outside (pic & sketch)

It's been a very broken record for me that December is not my favorite month. Everyone is either gathering gifts for Christmas, excited for Christmas or just counting down the day until this all is over. I was a little more of that latter. Work hasn't been the idea happy place it should be this time of the year. The company decided to add extra hours onto an even longer work day and push promotion after promotion to keep the store full of customers. I'm not questioning the marketing strategy just the idea that it burns people out. So even in reflection now i was burnt out even a week after Thanksgiving. As i took a 2ND look at this sketch i thought about the concept of all my friends and family that actually didn't have to work with John Q Public this holidays. The people that actually got a chance to enjoy their vacations/breaks from life. I'm very envious and hopefully soon i'll be able to join them.

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