Thursday, December 23, 2010

priceless commission

The Holidays season is winding down and i feel better knowing that i was able to hang on so long. It's been a very busy, stressful time of the year to the point that i don't want wish to go anywhere at all. My apartment has no tree or decorations just piles of crap and drawings all over the place.
Still sometimes stories are put in your heart and mind that help ease whatever troubles you may have. In my apartment complex i normally stop and chat with a lady that lives a couple of doors down on my way to my car. She had asked me a couple of times if i could draw something for her. More recently she stopped me and asked me to draw a picture of her nephew and sister. I guess during the holidays she hit a rough patch and took the picture of her deceased sister to bed with her to feel a little bit of comfort. That same day as i walking to my car,was the moment that she would request that exact picture. She wanted it as a Christmas gift for her nephew because it had been ages since he had seen this picture. Overally the drawing wasn't to complex plus I needed the practice. Granted just a couple of weeks earlier i spoke with a lady that wanted a caricature done but i guess she went with someone else. So at least i had some work in my hands for the holidays season to break up the stress.
A little less than a week and i had the picture completed, even with my friend Cara staying with me from out of town. I honestly owe a small thanks to a field mouse that somehow got into my apartment and kept me up with his scratching most of the night but that's another story. Last Thursday before heading out in the snow to work , i gave her the picture. She kept saying how much she loved it and wondered how much it would charge her. Somewhere in the middle of all the conversation something within me said "nothing." The drawings or sketch is free. Very rarely will you ever hear artist say that because it's like asking a mechanic to do work on your car for free. It's a professional job and it should be viewed as that way but i felt there's something you can't put a price tag on. The drawing meant more to her than any dollar value. Somethings in life simply are priceless. I didn't post this in my blog as a way of patting myself on the back. I posted it because sometimes doing good deeds make the world a better place.

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