Saturday, December 5, 2009

Acts of Random Thoughts Vol. 2


.NEVER take those close to you for granted one day they may not be there (the office season 3)

2. How you can hang out with someone every week for months then the next moment they avoid you like the plague??

3. You should never get some comfortable out in public (restaurants, coffee shops, etc) to take off your shoes [unless your under the age of 5].

4. If you have any talent you should be practicing it all the time because when you aren't someone else is practicing harder than you are

5. I wish i could go to other people's job and act the way they do when they're in my store.

6. Don't get mad at me because you didn't read the sign. I wasn't your elementary school teacher.

7. My favorite line that i use at work coming from the movie Airplane. " I guess i picked the wrong week to stop drinking!"

8. I need to get over my laziness and paint on some canvas

9. I need to start my Christmas shopping

10. I need to start working out so i can look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club

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