Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Vision Board

I remember a little over a year ago i was watching Oprah and 2 girls were talking about their vision board. Things that they wanted to do, where it be something short term or long term. They also were ensuring that they were making the right steps to achieve those goals. However i don't have a board but why writing it here perhaps it will serve as mine. There goals are in no certain order at all.

1. i want to go to London. Perhaps to study art but more than anything this is always been a place that i saw myself living. It would be even cooler if i could make it to the Olympic in 2012.

2. I want to quit working retail. It's not the life i'm suppose to live. i continue to go because there's some certain lesson i'm suppose to learn. Something that i'm just not that sure of at the moment. I believe soon i won't have to do that any more.

3. I want to go to Universal Studio again. It's been almost 10 years since i went last time on a romantic getaway. Since i love roller coaster this is one of my favorite theme parks that isn't just a theme park to go to.

4. I want to go back to school and get my Masters. Something easily i could do at any given moment but i also want to get the university to pay for me to go to school. That's the tricky part that i haven't been looking into but i should.

5. i want another art show. Not just any thrown together one like i had last time but i want a serious one. The first one i did was okay for my first one but like all sequels the next should be bigger and better.

6. I want to go to Tokyo, Japan. This place has been calling my name for some time. Even though it would be completely out of my comfort zone to be somewhere that people may have a hard time understanding me i still want to go. Perhaps like London it's the Asian side of me wanting to gain a greater knowledge from a journey there. Plus i can be Bill Murray from Lost in Translation.

7. I want to go watch Duke play a home basketball game. I've been a huge Duke basketball fan since i fell in love with them in the early 90s. Once i hopped on that bandwagon i never got off. The true draw for me is the exciting atmosphere at one of their home games. I want to be among the Camron Crazies that make the game more than a real life experience to be a part of.

8. I want to go to Wrestlemania. I've been a wrestling fan a large part of my life well over 20 years of my life. This simple fact is driven home by the idea that i would drive 3 to 4 hours tomorrow to Washington DC , plus pay $300 for a ringside seat at a ppv event. I know it's fake and it's scripted but nothing has been able to break me away from this form of entertainment. Wrestlemania for all wrestling fans is the mecca of the events. People from all over the world come to watch that show for one night and simply to say they were apart of it all. I've missed 2 maybe 3 opportunities so far but i don't see myself missing any more if they come close enough.

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